Jean Piaget's Theory Of Intuitive Thinking

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Jean Piaget is a psychologist that was born in 1896 on the 9th of August. Piaget was born in Switzerland and exactly in Neuchatel.Piaget was the oldest child.His mother was Rebecca Jackson, and his father is Arthur Piaget.The beginning of his scientific career was when he wrote a notice when he was a student at Neuchatel Latin, high school on an albino sparrow. Due to that he made over sixty books and hundreds of articles. Piaget was not only a psychologist but also a biologist. Piaget received a Ph.D. in zoology in the natural sciences in 1981 studies at the University of Neuchatel.Piaget married a woman called Valentine, and he had three children who are called Jacqueline, Lucienne, and Laurent. Jean Piaget passed away of unknown causes …show more content…

Children formed a complete understanding of the concepts, and they mostly stopped transductive reasoning. Their thinking is more logical, but it is more about perception than logic. Conservation is related to the realization that certain quantitative attributes of the objects stay the same unless something was additional or taken away from them. For example, we have the water experiments. At first they say that it is the same because they can see that it is the same level of water. However, when we pour the water into the new long cup, their reaction will be to tell that there is more.They will say that because the water level in the cup they see is higher than it was in the old cup. Their reaction means that they were deceived by the look as well as by the need of specific logical abilities.
Egocentrism is another way of thinking that is ordinary in this stage. It means that children can not easily accept other people’s opinions.
Concrete operational 7-11 years: In this stage children start to think logically. Even they think logically but they stay very solid in their logic.This stage is focused on some rules that now control the child’s thinking and his logic. Some rules are
1-Reversibility: It appears when the child understand that an action could be reversed, and absolute consequences will appear from doing