Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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“I know society will never be able to forgive me” (“The Milwaukee Cannibal”). This quote was said by Jeffrey Dahmer after police finally arrested and charged him. At the time of his death Jeffrey Dahmer was considered to be one of the most deranged serial killers in existence due to his past mortem routines, the way he brutally killed and hunted his victims, and how he would cannibalize his victims. Jeffrey Dahmer was nicknamed “The Milwaukee Cannibal” in 1994 (“KILLER CLASSMATE”). Due to his deranged mind consisting of cannibalism, rape, molestation, murder, and necrophilia. Some of his personality was based off of his childhood and the way he grew up. His parents had a divorce when he was young due to his mother’s drug addiction. He also …show more content…

Dahmer had specific mortem routines that he would complete after the torturing and murdering of his helpless victims. One of these routines included taking photos. Jeffrey would frequently take gruesome and disturbing photos of his victims during various stages of his murder process. He did this so he could recollect each act afterward and keep reliving the experience. Another post mortem routine Jeffrey Dahmer would complete is that he would collect “souvenirs” from his dead victims. After Dahmer completed his murder process and his dismembering the body, he would actually cut of the victim’s genitals, heart, and skull. He bought a freezer specifically to store these “souvenirs”. He also had other specific places that he would store his souvenirs such as his refrigerator, vat, crawlspaces, and even in his yard. Yes, dahmer would usually rape or molest his victims before killing them but yet another routine he had was composing sexual activities with the bodies after they were dead corpses. He would usually complete all of these post mortem routines at his own …show more content…

Jeffrey would aim towards all different aged men to victimize. He would hunt them, eye them down, lure them, and finally kill them. Dahmer would take the victim back to his apartment and drug them. He killed because he “felt lonely” and “did not want the victim to leave him”(“Jeffrey Dahmer Newsmakers”). That is why he would also strangle them to death sometimes. Jeff would usually pick a public place to choose his victims such as in gay bars, adult book stores, and shopping malls. He would go out usually during the day to find his prey. He typically would offer the victim alcohol, or sex, in order for them to go back to his place. Dahmer would brutally kill these men, and boys after his sexual desires were achieved. He would drug their drinks, and when least expected, aggressively molest, strangle, and kill the victim. Those were his desires, and pleasures. Jeffrey Dahmer’s first murder and victim was Steven Hicks in June 1978 (“Jeffrey Dahmer St James Encyclopedia”). Steven was a 19 year old hitchhiker that Dahmer picked up and offered alcohol to. After he got tipsy, Dahmer took him back to his apartment. As soon as they got inside, Jeff hit him over the head with a dumb-bell and Steven died instantly from the impact. That didn’t stop him from then molesting and laying with the dead

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