Jeremiah And Moses Research Paper

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On the surface, the calls of Moses and Jeremiah don’t seem that different. They both had people to lead, they both struggled surrendering all to God, they both had to be convinced that God was able to do through them what He promised, and they both were given signs from God to help solidify in their minds what God would do. God was eventually able to do a great work through them, and some of the greatest and most encouraging messages come from these great men. But what was their journey like up until the points of their heroism? How were they “chosen”? What was it like to be called by the very God of the universe to do such a monumental task? What was it like to hear God’s voice and yet not believe that He could do all He promised to do through you? Hopefully, in the next few pages I will be able to compare and contrast the circumstances and events surrounding the call of these two incredible men of God. …show more content…

Jeremiah came much later and lived during the period of captivity. There is a great deal of background information given about Moses in the Bible, but hardly any about Jeremiah. Moses was raised in a palace in Egypt by Pharaoh’s daughter. Throughout his younger years, he saw the oppression of his people and one day saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite and couldn’t take it. He killed the Egyptian and fled for his life to Midian. While He was there he married a woman named Zipporah whose father was a priest of Midian. After they were married, Moses began to work for his father-in-law, Jethro, keeping sheep on the backside of the desert. This is where he gets his “burning bush” experience. This is where, for the first time in his life, God speaks to him audibly and gives him a very specific task to