Jeremy Shaap Role Model

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Jeremy Schaap has grown up into the business of journalism because of his dad Dick Schaap who was a well know journalist and worked for magazines, newspapers, T.V, and movies, he has also written many books. Millie Mathis asked “Who was your role model growing up?” Jeremy responded “My father was my role model growing up. My father was terrific at what he did. He was regarded as the best interviewer sports of his generation.”
By the time he was in high school he knew he wanted to be a journalist just like his father.To begin his career he worked summer jobs in the industry writing and in college he worked for the school paper. He went to Cornelle University in Ithaca, New York. He reported “That is where I spent most of my time and dedicated most of my energy.” Coming out of college he worked for Sports Illustrated and then after that he went onto work at a local T.V station which was just coming on the air. He reported “That was a great experience because I hadn’t really had any TV experience before. And I had wanted to work in TV and I was given an opportunity there to be a camera man, to be editor, to be interviewer, to be a photographer, to be a reporter, and to be a producer.” …show more content…

You inherent biases about certain issues like the way you see the world, we all have them and you have to deal with them. Put yourself in a position of being fair. Because every decision you make is in some ways a judgement call. You could write a straight down the middle story, reporting both viewpoints, the words you choose, the way you tell the story, will ultimately reflect the way you view story, tilt one way or the other. It’s really just about being fair. Sometimes you make false equivalencies, there might be two sides to every story, but one side might be supported by fact and one might not be. So you should weight your story in favor of the truth.” Jeremy