
Jermaine Cole And Miguel's Power Trip

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Keeping dreams alive with Jermaine Cole and Miguel’s “Power Trip” With People, we see love as a deep and needed connection. We see this in many different movies, books, songs, and quotes. The song “Power Trip” by J. Cole and Miguel deals with a man's dream about getting his perfect lover. However, others could see someone who is trying to keep his feelings of love afloat, but if you dig deeper into the lyrics and the words, you can be easily swayed to feel how he yearns for this woman and how she could change his life. By the tone of “Power Trip,” you can tell that the singer is at a dead end with his feelings. (0:01-0:09) The beat and rhythm follow a constant moderate flow and desperate drum. The singer is trying to get the listener to have a feeling of regret or misery. Now just because the song's rhythm is slow and …show more content…

“Would you believe me if I said I’m in love?” He’s trying to express to the listener that he’s still in love and doesn’t know how to deal with it and express it to other people. (Cole, Miguel, ln 33) It elaborates on his expression of love by saying “Baby, I want you to want me.” (Cole, Miguel, ln 34) He only wants his crush to love him back. He’s loved this girl since his childhood and would have no bigger accomplishment than getting the female he loves. “Well, this has got to be the longest crush ever.” (Verse 2, ln 1) He’s had this crush since childhood and hasn’t lost feelings for his love. In the next line, he wants to portray that love can easily have someone addicted and could lead to obsession. “Love is a drug, like the strongest stuff ever.” (Verse 2, ln 3) and continue with “Fuck it, I’m on one, you feel me?” (Verse 2, ln 4) He wants the listener to understand how he feels. His emotions are stuck and can’t be changed. He uses drugs to paint the image that love is addiction and almost like a drug. He follows up with how he’s addicted to love and can’t get away from

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