Jerry's Monologue

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Jerry is that one character that had a huge impact on me. I think in many ways he had an impact on many people he didn 't go with the crowd and he did pay the punishment for that. Jerrys disturbed the universe caused a lot of trouble in the all boys school of Trinity. He had a small influence on the other boys, but it was one Jerry Vs. all the vigils. He didn 't stand a chance.

The universe was disturbed in a manner that was a big deal in their lives. He said no to the chocolate sale and saying no to the chocolate sale was like saying to the way the school worked. The school was based around the chocolate sales. It started off as an assignment from the vigils and when the assignment was over Jerry still refused to sell the chocolates and this caused an uproar in the tone of the school. After he had done this, the school had a more hostile tone to it. Jerry left scared and worried everyday at school expectedly at role …show more content…

Every that had happened up to this point in the book didn 't prepare Jerry for what was going to happen to him. Jerry was given the chance to try to get even with Emile. Jerry took this chance, and he went to the fight to get his revenge on Emile. Once he got there realized, this was a terrible idea. He knew that everyone would be betting on Emile, and they got to call the shots on how the fight was fought. Emile went crazy and beat Jerry till the point of death. It was in the moments that Jerry realized that everything he did by disturbing the universe was wrong. He gave advice to Goober, and Jerry 's advice was to not disturb the universe to always conform with the higher power.

I learned that going against the crowd can be very hard. The book taught me that every action has a counter effect. This book was banned because it always went against the crowd too. It didn 't have the happy fairy tail ending like everyone wanted. It was the gritty hard truth that there are consequences. That is why Jerry had a huge impact