
Jesse Owens Research Paper

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In a time of poverty and racism Jesse Owens still found a way to make a change to the world and the world of track and field. Jesse Owens was born in 1913 on September 12 in a time of racism and poverty for an African American .Jesse Owens deserves to be recognized as a hero because he is a hard working person who wanted to make a change in the world for African American people. He was also very altruistic and helped people around the world . He could not have done what he did if he gave up which shows perseverance because even though he was discriminated against he kept going and succeeded in life for those reasons.

Jesse Owens was a hard working hero who believed in hard work and its rewards . Jesse Owens worked with the president to help people in places in the ivory coast to open clinic and talk about the many freedoms of the United States(http://www.tiki-toki.com ) . Because of segregation Jesse owens was not offered many many jobs so he was forced to work many small jobs like racing horses and pumping gas in the summer ( http://www.u-s-history.com ). After segregation ended in 1964 Jesse Owens was given the honor of having his name in the “Arco Jesse Owens games” which is an event for young kids who participate in track ( http://www.tiki-toki.com ). …show more content…

In 1955 after the olympics Jesse Owens went to India to open clinics and help promote the liberties of America ( http://www.tiki-toki.com ) . Before that, Jesse Owens opened a public relations company in Chicago where he helped companies with their employees problems ( http://www.tiki-toki.com ). Jesse Owens helped companies like Ford Motor company and The United States Olympic Committee to speak about the importance of hard work and loyalty for people to achieve their dreams ( http://www.u-s-history.com

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