Jesus Camp

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Jesus Camp Jesus Camp is a documentary detailing the life styles of evangelical Christian children. It provides the audience with insight into the indoctrination of youths into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become active participants in America's future. The film focuses on the idea that a revival in America is eminent with significant leading roles being assumed by children. Therefore, they must prepare themselves for this war to come as well as prepare others who have yet to be brought into the faith. The founder of Jesus Camp is youth pastor Becky Fischer from Bismarck, North Dakota of who is extremely dogmatic in her approach to build an army of evangelical leaders out of children. The evangelical Christians in this documentary appear to be quite radical and extreme in their belief system. To indoctrinate a child into such an extreme dogmatic system has the appearance of being an occult. Moreover, young minds are fresh, malleable, and impressionable. Children have a great need to be loved, to be praised, and to be accepted. They also are looking for adult approval and are eager to please. I do not fault the parent because they are brainwashed themselves. However, I believe that …show more content…

Their behavior could be characterized as mass group hysteria. The children were were told by pastor Fischer that some were being phony hypocrites by living for Jesus at home but not at school. It was at this point in the film I concluded that this religion was a form of brainwashing. The children are being asked to do things that are beyond their control that are normal to most kids. How is it right to tell a child that Harry Potter who is also a child, would be put to death for his beliefs. They use guilt and fear of the hell to keep them in