Ji Naza Analysis

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ALLEGATION R/s reportedly Jazzmyne beat Ji’Naza (9) across the arms and legs during spring break. R/s allegedly Jazzmyne’s boyfriend Domell smokes weed and drinks in the home. R/s Domell smokes in the bathroom. Ji’Niah (10) and Ji’Azya (2) are in the home. R/s on Friday, Ji’Naza told him that Jazzmyne beat her across her arms and legs because she hit Domell’s daughter. R/s Ji’Naza said she didn’t want to tell because she didn’t want to get in trouble. R/s he advised Ji’Naza to tell the counselor at school, but they child didn’t feel comfortable doing that because Jazzmyne’s mother is counselor. R/s Ji’Naza was afraid to go home because her sister was going to tell her mother and her mother would beat her again. R/s Ri’Naza stated that she didn’t feel like she would make to Monday to tell someone at school. R/s Ji’Niah teases Ji’Naza about her teeth and Jazzmyne is aware of it. R/s Ji’Naza feels like she is not getting treated equally. R/s Ri’Naza is afraid if DSS comes out her mother is going to know she told somebody. …show more content…

She is in the 3rd grade at North Vista Elementary School. Ja’Niah Rose is an African American female, born on 02/08/2006. She is in the 4th grade at North Vista Elementary School. Ji’Azya Benjamin is 2 years

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