Armando Newspaper Article

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R/s Armando has been wetting his clothes, three times this week, twice last week and before it was sporadic but it is increasing. R/s Armando has several absences. R/s Armando stay home from school on Monday and Tuesday. R/s on Tuesday night, Nichole text the teacher and said do not let Armando be alone with the other kids. R/s on yesterday when Nichole brought a change of clothes for Armando, she reported that she caught Armando molesting his sister Jessamine. R/s Nichole reported that this weekend Armando put popcorn in his pants, was putting his sister’s hand inside his pants. R/s Nichole reported that Armando and Jessamine were in bathroom with their pants down. R/s Nichole reported that she called LE and they have a CRC appointment. R/s she asked Nichole if anything ever happened to Armando, Nichole denied if anything ever happened or of the child ever seen anything. R/s according to Armando he stays with Silda or Amanda at night. R/s Armando said Amanda is mean to them, she doesn’t give then food at night. R/s Armando reported that he sleeps with her 3-year-old girlfriend Gabby. R/s he reported Jessamine sleeps with Pedro and Amanda and his brother sleeps on the floor. R/s Armando reported that Mike had touch his wee wee, and he sees Mike when he is at aunt Nene and uncle Ron’s house. R/s Armando reported that Mike put bad things …show more content…

R/s it was reported Armando was molesting his 2-year-old sister. R/s reportedly LE was contacted about the assault against 2-year-old Jessamine and there is CRC appointment. CLIENT CHARACTERISTICS Armando Joyner is a white male born, on 8-26-2009. He is in the 1st at Academy of Hope, he has an IEP due to him being developmentally delayed. Armando was on an Attendance plan at Myrtle Beach Primary. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS The old home address is 3027 Shetland Lane Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Telephone # 843-450-8794 CARETAKER