Rob In The Wild Chapter Summaries

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Chapter 10 is narrated from second person in the point of view of Rob and deals with Rob in his early twenties and the relationships he has between Sasha and Drew. We see the start of Drew and Sasha’s relationship and towards the end, the loss of her best friend Rob. At the beginning of the chapter Rob, Drew, Sasha, Lizzie, and Biz are hanging out and smoking in Lizzie and Biz’s apartment. Rob tries to be comical, yet overanalyzing Drew’s remarks, realizing he’s equally paranoid under the influence. Rob seeing the hash’s sexual effects on Drew towards Sasha, remembers his old aggression and his attempt at suicide, which has since subdued the desire to fight anyone. Drew finds it an aspiration to become president and Rob finds it his job to call out his friends on such things, presidents don’t get high. Lizzie’s parents are visiting from Texas …show more content…

They go to the Pyramid, Drew’s first concert and Rob and Drew both take ecstasy, Sasha becomes frustrated that the boys are too high to go to Bennie Salazar’s after party so Drew and Rob leave and wander through Manhattan. Waking up in the hospital after getting his stomach pumped, Rob realized Sasha had found them and she tells ‘Bobby’ that he can’t take ecstasy ever again, but she points out they are the survivors from Naples. Drew and Rob go back out with Bix and end up on a club and later venture to the river, having long talks with the boys. Rob finally tells Drew the reality of Sasha’s un-manicured past and Drew doesn’t believe him, calling him an asshole and storming off but Rob follows trying to keep up until Drew dives into the 45 degree East River. Rob scrambles in after him, his scars and weak body struggling in the river, beginning to panic in the current. As Rob flails in panic he imagines old times with Sasha and apologizes to her. Rob hears Sasha screaming for him to ‘fight!’ as he passes