Jim Quintero's Steel Case Study

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1) Identify aspects of Jim Quintero’s management style according to the four main management theories (Classical, Behavioral, Systems, and Contingency).

While most organizations can more than likely identify at least some aspects from each of the four management theories, Quintero’s steel company identifies most with the Behavioral Approach with aspects of the Systems and Contingency Approach blending together in my opinion. Not having much detail on Cool Steel Company’s (CSC) organizational structural it is difficult to determine how much management falls under the Classical Approach, but seeing there are managers (not first-level supervisors) and reviewing Henri Fayol’s general principals, one can assume a structure of sorts. There are several examples of the Behavioral Approach (e.g., trusting, respect, responsibility…) that will be covered in more detail in response to question number two. It is clear that CSC’s success would be in line with the practices described in the cooperative system outlined in the Systems Approach and by virtue of employees being given the ability or responsibility to make decisions; the Contingency Approach can be applied.

2) Explain each aspect in detail and note any advantages and/or disadvantages to each approach.

Classical Approach:
Again, without much detail on CSC’s structure, it is difficult to comment on how much follows the Classical Approach. Applying past experiences and having an understanding of manufacturing, it can be