
Jim Thomas Short Story

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August 2004, 11 year-old Jim Thomas grips his four fingers on his rugged Wilson football. He steps back, looks, feels the wind graze upon his face, he fires a bullet to his father Mike. “Touchdown!” they shout and rejoice in the backyard of their little house in Philly. September 2017, Jim stared at the rusted stone dug far into the ground that read “In loving memory of Michael Thomas.” “Hey dad, you wanna go play some football outside?” Jim asked. “Sure kiddo, get the ball,” Mike, his father responded. Jim loved playing football with his dad. For hours the boys would play football in the backyard. “4th and six, game on the line, I believe in you Jim,” Said Mike. Jim looks, runs away from pressure, lobs one up in the endzone… touchdown! “I …show more content…

“Jim Thomas rolls out of the pocket, scans the field, and he takes off! The 40, 30, 25, 20, 10, 5, touchdown!” the announcer cried out. Jim went on to throw two more touchdowns. “Ladies and gentlemen, hang onto your seats, Jim thomas can complete the comeback here,” said the announcer. Four seconds left, 24-21, at the 20 yard line, “I believe in you Jim, no matter what happens I’m proud of you,” his dad said very softly. Jim step backs, jukes a defender, rolls out, he fires a bullet in the endzone, “Touchdown! Can you believe it, Jim Thomas!” the announcer shouted. Jim got home and told his mom all about the game, “That’s my boy! I’m so proud of you,” She rejoiced. Jim began to talk but only to be cut off by the ringing of his phone. “Hello? Yes, this is he, yes, okay, are you serious? Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, yes okay, thank you.” “Who was that?” his mother asked. “That was the guy from clemson, I got a scholarship!” Jim explained. “Are you serious? Oh my this is great! This is amazing!” his mother exclaimed. They celebrated through the night not knowing what devastating news would soon come upon them. Jim was in the middle of math, 10:45, “Jim Thomas, please come down to the office, Jim Thomas,” the loud speaker

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