Jimmy Carter Setting

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A Sophisticated Analysis of “The Home Place.”

The excerpt from Jimmy Carter's memoir, “An Hour before Daylight,” gives us an exuberant amount of details of what everyday life entailed for the former President growing up on a farm in rural Georgia. The story offers Carter details of his father's farm, where he grew up. He describes a dirt tennis court that his father keeps in pristine condition; implementing an iron plow with a mule to allow to the earth to go flat. Carter’s next subject is on his father’s commissary store; which he receives even more detail to compared to the tennis court. Carter states, “Next was my father’s commissary store, with the windmill in the back, and then a large fenced-in garden.” ( Carter, Models for writers …show more content…

Going into this short story, I have a substantial Knowledge of Jimmy Carter, his life, presidency, and generally everything you need to know about the man. Most of my insight comes from a documentary film I watched in my leisure time by the name of,”American Experience: Carter” I found the story of Jack Clark to be really interesting, because when Jimmy Carter was running for governor of Georgia he ran almost on a racist platform; which he would later refute when he became governor of Georgia, and when he moved on to the presidency. (American Experience: Carter) On a more personal level, my earliest memory of all time was being on a farm in Southern Missouri riding a horse with the assistance of my grandparents on my father's side assisting me to ride said house. I can relate to that feature of the life of Jimmy Carter by having the earliest of memories of being on a farm. Other than that, one last anomaly worth paying attention to is Carter’s use of a lot of farm jargon. More often than not, he refers to his father as,”Daddy.” Likewise, he gives different names to certain animals and tools throughout the farm; I thought that was