Job Sin And Evil

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Sin and Evil
“Job spoke not in arrogance but”.. pg 23
Systematic…. To test Job- 23
The story of Job begins with an introduction about him and his family. It points to the blessings that God had endowed him and his family with. The story leads us to learn that he and his children were blessed twice because of him. On one hand, Satan wanted to prove that humans would hate God who hurts them, but as it is mentioned in chapter one, God is confident God would be proud of Job, whom God saw as a righteous man. The first chapter is more of a scene behind the camera. We experience God’s personality and traits in this book. God lets the suffering happen so that Satan would and the others like humans know who God is. According to this story, it can …show more content…

It seems when someone tries to challenge God, God is at work. The text says “The fire of God fell from heaven.” Job 1: 16. When this begins to take place, Job “tore his robe, shaved his head, and fell on the ground and worshiped.” (20) This implicates his humbleness to again ask for forgiveness as he does every day. This relates to the idea asking God’s forgiveness because he or someone from his family had sinned. It indicates God’s sovereignty. It seems as if sin is related to the thought that makes a human believe that he or she is wrong and as accuser, he or she needs to be punished or deserves punishment. Who makes one realize this, is the inner conscience of humans who know that they are …show more content…

The scripture further states that Satan was among them. It seems that the role of the villain is not part of the story but that he were a part of the team or crew that meets with God to sort out the lay out for the story, inviting a live drama or a reality show to take place, leaving the story in hands of the characters, in this case, the human character Job. It seems that Job is the main protagonist, “chosen” for this role since God says to Satan “have you seen….” Further, this idea suggests that the story is in the hands of Job who has to act and react. The villain Satan would do all that he can. God is sharing a part in this is mentioned as a participant “fire from God,” while Job shaves his head and asks for forgiveness, to take shifts and turns. No one knows what the story is going to result