The Controversy Of Globalization By Johan Norberg

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The Controversy of Globalization According to the dictionary, globalization is “the act of extending to other or all parts of the world.” Johan Norberg states that millions of people have become anti-globalization fanatics to avert the spread of global capitalism. He believes that the anti-globalization movement is “ignorant and dangerously wrong.” In his opinion, anti-globalists that think it creates poverty are completely wrong. To support this, he says that, thanks to globalization, “three billion people in the last fifty years have been lifted out of poverty,” which is exceptional. As can be seen, he supports a free-market economy and believes that anyone should be able to start a business and trade with anyone they want without limitations. He is convinced that globalization could make all countries as wealthy as Europe if we let it work. To support and find proof for his thesis about globalization, he sets out on a trip to Taiwan, Vietnam and Kenya. First, his objective in Taiwan is to “see how globalization leads to wealth and democracy.” Second, his plan in Vietnam is to “find out what multinationals are really doing to developing countries.” Third, his purpose in Africa is to “try and discover why Africa is still so desperately poor.” Considering Taiwan, Norberg talks about the problems of malnutrition and lack of resources caused by the pressure of population. He also explains that absolute poverty is non-existent. Due to land reform, the government gave people