
Johannes Gutenberg's Impact On The Protestant Reformation

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The Gutenberg printing press started experimenting with print in 1440 but a decade later he made a printing machine. We all know the printing press. This machine was created by Johannes Gutenberg, who is known as a German inventor and printer. His invention had a been impact on media communication in history. In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing how Gutenberg’s development of type mold and printing press signal the invention of mass communication and massive cultural change, the impact of standardized books, and how the printing press impacted the Protestant Reformation.

First, let’s start by discussing how Gutenberg’s development of type mold and printing press signal the invention of mass communication and massive cultural change. With the printing press invention coming on the scene it enabled people to share knowledge more quickly and Wiley civilizations never looked back. Since then we have continued to grow in how we communicate and the development of mass communication and mass cultural changes. Having this knowledge is power as the saying goes and the inventions of the mechanical movable type printing press helped demonstrate knowledge wider and faster than ever before. His invention was a big part of the beginning of mass communication and …show more content…

We are now going to discuss the impact of standardized books. Gutenberg's greatest accomplishment was the first print run of the bible however, his invention was not profitable until there was a distribution network for the books. According to (OwlCation), “Gutenberg’s movable type printing press allowed books to be produced in great numbers, more quickly, and more cheaply than ever before. This led to a steady rise in literacy rates, which began a massive social and cultural revolution, the repercussions of which are still being felt

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