John Adams Life And Accomplishments

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John Adams, he was the first vice president and the second president of the United States. He married a beautiful woman named Abigail and had six children together. Just before his presidency, Adams was one of George Washington's successors on his second term (Edwin 52). He was part of the congress that assigned the Committee on Spies (Howard 5). He would go on trips and take a diary with him to write about all the people he saw, places he visited, and all the events he joined (Kathleen 17). He would sometimes steal souvenirs to remember the places he went to (17). John and Abigail Adams were the first people to stay in the White House (Lusted 18). Adams was a great president, father, husband, and did many wonderful things. Before he was president, Adams lived a normal life. He was born in Braintree, Massachusetts (Bremer 1). Braintree is a small …show more content…

Before moving to the White House, John Adams and his wife Abigail lived in Philadelphia. When they lived there they did not have neighbors. They just had buildings surrounded them (96). When Adams was inaugurated as president. He was in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson was vice-president during Adams’ term. George Washington was there as a private citizen (Bremer 10). Adams won the election by three electoral votes. Thomas Jefferson got the second most votes and became vice-president. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and quite a few other men helped write the Declaration of Independence. Then by the 1790’s Adams and Jefferson were political enemies. They had very different outlooks on the government (Amidon). Adams had the longest lived life of any other president. As he got older he was always getting sick with colds, was having chest pains, and most of the time his eyes were watery and red (Krull 16). He was a great president, but he also had a very unique personality, and health