John Bowlby Attachment Theory Analysis

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John Bowlby theoretical approach relates to the tittle as his theory is all about attachment, Harlow carried out an experiment in 1959 which showed that developing a close bond does not depend on hunger satisfaction. The experiment included rhesus monkey babies being separated from their natural mothers and reared by surrogates, one surrogate was wire and had a bottle attached to it, the other surrogate was covered in soft wool like cloth; the monkeys choose the surrogate covered in soft cloth compared to the wire surrogate with food. Bowlby’s took Harlow’s experiment and decided to analyse Harlow’s findings, Bowlby summarised the experiment explaining how this experiment showed the ‘contact comfort’ is more important and need for closeness and affection much more than even food.
Furthermore, the common theme in Bowlby’s theory according to, 2017 Bowlby’s theory of attachment which sates “The central theme of attachment theory is that mothers who are available and responsive to their infant’s need establish a sense of security in their children.” Therefore, this relates to the tittle because when children have a dependable and secure bond it enables them to feel secure. In an early years setting Bowlby’s attachment theory of …show more content…

In addition to this, it is important for EYPS to follow the Equality Act (2010) which is set in place to ban unlawful discrimination and helps achieve equal opportunities in the setting, according to C. Meggitt and T. Bruce, Childcare and Education, Early Years Educator, 2015 it states “The Equality Act 2010 makes sure people are protected from discrimination on the basis of the following characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual