Ainsworth Attachment Theory

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Bowlby, Harlow, and Ainsworth each had unique positions on infant attachment and adult relationships. All three researchers pointed out that children become attached or unattached depending on the amount and type of love and affection they receive from birth. Each had a different way of creating their study. Harlow used baby monkeys taken from their mothers and replacing mom with either a metal or a terry cloth covered mom. His studies showed that the babies sought the comfort of the terry cloth mom monkey no matter which mom fed them. This study to me, would have been better, had he added one more element, such as a real live female monkey, the baby monkey would have most likely preferred the touch, feel and communication she provided, …show more content…

(Carpenter and Huffman, 2013 p.278) In her studies of infants, she placed the mother in a room with the child (securely attached), then introduced a stranger to the child(anxious/ambivalent), then the mother would leave the room leaving the stranger with the child(anxious/avoidant), then mother would return (disorganized/disoriented attachment). Observations of the child's reactions towards the mother and stranger in each of these segments were analyzed. From this, Ainsworth was able to conclude the bonding the child had toward their mother. The more attached the child, the more they responded to the mother coming and going, either by clinging, crying or following. This research gives to wonder, are we doing harm when sending our young children to the sitter or school expecting them to act like they don't care when we leave? The other alternative? A bunch of crying, clinging children with separation anxieties being brought up in society. In the argument nurture vs. nature, both of these scientists have shown that nature needs nurture and that attachment is a product of

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