John Cabot Research Paper

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John Cabot had a very adventurous and interesting life because he explored many places with rough seas and weather. In John Cabot’s early life he moved to Venice in 1461 and became a merchant in spice trade, and traded along the Eastern Mediterranean. Then he started studying how to make maps and how to navigate and then later became interested in exploring. Now here are some facts about John Cabot, so John Cabot was born in Italy but he moved to England and made explorations on behalf of the English King. Cabot, also thought that North America was China like Christopher Columbus, and then claimed the land for England. John’s Italian name was Giovanni Caboto and Caboto means “a coastal seaman” which was often given to sailors and navigators. In 1461, John moved to Venice and learned his father’s …show more content…

Some of Cabot’s achievements were that John Cabot sailed from Bristol, England, and crossed the North Atlantic and reached the coast of America, north of Nova Scotia. John discovered the coastline of Canada and also was the second European to discover North America, after Christopher Columbus. Cabot sailed from west of Europe, from Bristol and charted his route. Though he did not land where Columbus did, he did not find Asia or India, yet he did land in Canada and ended up finding a shorter route from England to what is today known as North America. John Cabot was commissioned by King Henry VII to find a shorter route to Asia, in 1497 he set out for discovery but instead of finding Asia he landed in North America. Lastly, Cabot discovered land and named it Newfoundland, he thought it was Asia and claimed it for England. These achievements were significant to John Cabot being the big maker of change because he claimed lots of land for England which helped them have more power. Also, he found a more efficient way to get to North America which helped other people get to North America by