
John Dewey's Ideas In Education

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Our country,South Africa,is still trying to bridge the huge gap that was caused by the apartheid 22 years ago,especiacially in our education context.As a result,the poor,rural and township schools underperform or do bad.Because our country is now a democratic country,our education context must also be democratic.John Dewey believed in a democratic education where learners are free to voice their opinions and take part it classroom discussions.Dewet’s ideas of education can make a huge impact on our country’s education context,if we were to compare the problems we’re facing in our education context with Dewey’s work. 1. THEORETICAL LENS:JUSTICE AND JUST EDUCATION Just education entails of fair education which includes equal opportunities and …show more content…

Teachers still believe that a quiet classroom with no movement is a good and disciplined one. Another injustice is that the schools in the towns, popularly known as “white schools” get the teachers who understands the Dewey educational philosophy. While the black poor township schools, have a lack of teachers or get lazy …show more content…

It will also contribute towards justice and just education if from his first year of educational studying for prospective teachers, they are taught about Dewey and his philosophy or theory of education. 5. HOW WOULD THESE IDEAS CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS JUSTICE AND JUST EDUCATION CONSIDERING CHALLENGES FACED IN SOUTH AFRICAN EDUCATION CONTEXT 5.1. PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION If our teachers across South Africa teaches the learners by doing,then the learners will know and also understand the work that they are being taught.Unlike the most used approach to teaching learners,traditional approach,progressive education would make school a part of life.The learners would participate,be problem solvers and also be able to plan.Their teachers would only have to be a facilitator and not instruct them on what to do and not do.The community would be part of the classroom.Their school life would be challenging and fun. 5.2. PRAGMATISM If our teachers and prospective teachers are trained to be pragmatic,making the learners understand the lessons would be easier and faster.according to Boyd pragmatism says that education should be about life and growth.Teachers should be teaching learners things that are practical for life and encourage them to grow into better

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