John F Kennedy Inaugural Address Dbq Essay

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John F. Kennedy inauguration brought many different types of emotions to everyone and memories by many eyes of the people. The following texts apply to the day that John .F Kennedy became president of the United States in 1961. Document one and document two although very different in context have similarities and differences within style. In document one it states how Kennedy is giving a speech about good aspects on how new changes are coming while in documents two goes into more detail on what was happening that day from different points of views. While in document three it captured the moment when Kennedy was doing the Oath to become the next president of the United States. All this documents show some type syntax or diction and have similarities …show more content…

Kennedy gave out a speech saying, “We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom- symbolizing an end as well as a beginning- signifying renewal as well as change.” This tell us that Kennedy was trying to show good leadership to the citizens of the united states. And it shows diction by how they chose specific words so that people would accept the change of a new beginning. This also shows syntax by how their trying to persuade you into accepting new changes that might approach. This is also similar to document two. In the document “Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 years on” states, “Kathleen, the oldest of the Kennedy grandchildren, watched the swearing in from the camera platform facing the ceremony.” This gives us an insight on how everyone in the Kennedy family was watching their father become the president and how they were feeling at the moment. This shows diction by them using the word “swearing” when it's actually the moment of the oath and this to the family looked like a big deal to them and also Kennedy. And on the last document it captured when he was taking the Oath to become the next U.S president. This however shows no syntax because it’s a image and has no word structure what’s so ever and had no diction either. But also these documents also have their …show more content…

For example, in paragraph 5, in the document “Inaugural Address” it says, “Let the world go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to new generation of Americans- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage” this tells us that Kennedy was looking into the future and how much of a better country the U.S will be than it was at that time. This shows diction by how they go every into detail about how their ready to move on from that moment of time and it has been struggle but at the end of the day their proud to be an American citizen. It also show syntex by how the way they structure the sentence and how it’s trying to persuade you into actually moving on from that point forward. While in the other second document it states, “It was a day, 50 years ago, frozen in our memories, at least those of us old enough to remember it. But the haze of history masks the random collection of personal experiences and inconveniences for those who were there.” This document shows how people are still reminiscing till this day when Kennedy became president and how they explain their personal experiences about it. This shows syntex by how they use short sentences and go into detail of how each person has their own memory of that day. Diction is somewhat in the text in the way of how it’s a convenience if you have