John F. Kennedy's Assassination And Conspiracy Theories

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Arely Ortiz Castaneda Hist-1302 Robert Lilly Book Review December 10, 2015 John F. Kennedy The Assassination of John F. Kennedy was the book that I chose for my book report. This is an edited book by Carolyn McAuliffe. It was published in 2003 by Bonnie Szumski. It has a 112 pages. This book consists of the introduction and two chapters which are The Warren Report and The Conspiracy Theories that came with many subtitles. The author’s purpose in writing this book is to bring up potential evidence people have on John F. Kennedy's death that doesn’t match the information published for the public. There is a debate on whether or not the assassination was a conspiracy. The author wanted to inform us that not all of the details to Kennedy’s …show more content…

Kennedy was shot and killed at the Dallas Motorcade, a campaign trail for re-election, from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. After his death, President Lyndon Johnson appointed a commission to further investigate the case because of the questions that rose following Kennedy’s death. According to the Warren Report, Lee Harvey Oswald, an ex-marine, was the only man involved in Kennedy’s murder. There was 552 witnesses and some implied that there was more than one shooter, but there was no evidence of a conspiracy, and they dismissed that possibility. The commission could not come up with a reason to why Oswald shot the president. The author added many investigations from people that made me realize how the commission used information to keep a one-sided story leaving out other important factors. The FBI didn’t release certain information because they believed that if the commission investigated further, their reputation might be hurt if they found that Oswald was part of a conspiracy. For example, when Oswald’s rifle was found it was identified as a different one than what the report said, but they insisted it was a mistake and changed their testimony giving the public more reason to question. The “single” bullet also brought questions to the public because it was said that out of all three of the shots, one had struck the president and the same one hit the Texas Governor. Since the commission relied basically on the FBI, they didn’t get far with …show more content…

One theory by David E. Scheim stated that the Mafia killed the president. The reason this was surprising was because Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby who was involved in the Mafia and was seen with a man with a strong resemblance to Oswald having drinks at a restaurant days before the Kennedy’s murder. Other theorists thought it was an FBI Cover-Up from connections with organized crime, Kennedy’s policy on Vietnam, a team of assassins due to witnesses hearing shots from different areas, or lack of credibility’s from findings. The conspiracy theories will remain a debate for many years ahead because theorists continue to look for information to prove what they believe happened in John F. Kennedy’s