
John Forbes Nash Schizophrenia Essay

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John Forbes Nash Jr. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves (citation here). John Forbes Nash Jr. was a very famous mathematician, that struggled with the challenges that came with schizophrenia. Nash was born June 13th, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia. He was born to John Forbes Nash Sr. and Margaret Virginia Martin. His father served in the military, was a professor at the University of Texas for a year, and eventually ended up working at Appalachian Power Company. Nash’s mother was a school teacher and even taught Nash sometimes. The factors that contributed to John Nash Jr. success is the early childhood life he had, his developments of the game theory, and his struggle with mental illness. …show more content…

While most kids were playing normal games, like tag or playing hide-n-seek, Nash was found playing by himself, with toy airplanes or even reading a book. His parents responded very well to Nash being so selcosive and not very outgoing. They always encouraged young Nash, by giving him science books to read and treating him like an adult. His mother even saw too it that he had the best education possible. A lot of the times, she would even teach Nash herself to make sure he was always well educated. At such a young age, most of Nash’s teachers were completely unaware of the genius he was capable of because he gave them really no reasoning to believe he was as smart as he was. They were extremely worried about how “backward” he was because of his lack of social interaction. “By the time I was a student in high school I was reading the classic "Men of Mathematics" by E.T. Bell and I remember succeeding in proving the classic Fermat theorem about an integer multiplied by itself p times where p is a prime.”(Nash). At such a young age, Nash was accomplishing things in math, that were way beyond his

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