John Jerome White Incarceration

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Introduction Did you know “About 10,000 people in the United States may be wrongfully convicted of serious crimes each year, a new study suggests (Spring & Huff, n.d.).” The results are based on a survey of 188 judges. Can you imagine being incarcerated for a crime you had nothing to do with? Or how about you are called into the police department for a line up although the police already have a suspect in custody they just need you to fill the lineup and you are picked and convicted. How much would your life change, how would your family feel, when will they realize they have the wrong person or will they ever? This seems to be common in the United States some people must wait fifth teen to thirty years just to be released from incarceration …show more content…

White walked out of Georgia’s prison as a free man on the date of December 10th 2007 after serving twenty-two years, DNA testing provided he was innocence thanks to the Innocence Project and its team. On the morning of August 11, 1979 an intruder broke into a Manchester, Georgia, where a seventy-four-year-old woman was sleep on her couch. The intruder which was a male beat and raped the woman and demanded all her money. The attacker pulled the telephone cord out of the wall and left through the back door. The victim was taken to the hospital, however because of extent of her injuries she was not given a rape kit during the examination. Nonetheless, the Innocence Project, “At the victim’s house, Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) crime scene investigators collected pubic hairs from a bed sheet that had been on the couch at the time of the rape and discovered a piece of skin near the couch which was later determined to have come from a person’s hand or foot (Innocence Project, n.d.).” However, since no one ever did a rap kit on the victim the results were not used at the time of the incident. The police officer on the case created a sketch of the potential attacker from information collected from the victim’s memories. However, a Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) agent that was investigating him at the time White matched the sketch created. On Sept, 1979 white was arrested for the case. Six weeks after the crime accrued the victim selected him out of a collection of photos, she stated she was “almost positive” he was the attacker (Innocence Project,