
John Locke The Real World Analysis

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Marjory Hill Philosophy 2010 November 1, 2017 The Real World Is there a real world, in some sense there is. To what extent the closest one will ever get to understanding are the philosophers such as Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Empirical philosophy came about because philosophers were looking for a theory that would coincide with human behavior. Philosophers were trying to find where people inquire their knowledge from and to what extent of reliability it possesses instead of looking for certain knowledge about the real world. Philosophers propose that all our experience and knowledge is obtained through our senses, also referred to as empiricism. This branch of philosophy proposes that we are born with nothing, no knowledge or ideas, and we gain everything through experience through one's senses. John Locke was a rationalist who also believed in empirical philosophy. Locke's argument was that all knowledge comes from one's senses and everyone is born with no innate ideas. He tried to show people that their ideas are built up through different types of experience such as sense awareness. This means we see the color red or we can see a …show more content…

This means there is no reason to believe any ideas or principles came before a sensory experience. Locke argues that previous philosophers idea that thoughts were implanted in the mind can not be known by all humans. To believe that this is true for children and adults is nonsense because to say an idea is implanted in the mind yet also be ignorant to it makes it nothing. Another way to describe the denial of innate ideas is to refer to the mind as a white paper. This explains that the mind is born with no ideas because if a person thinks about it all the things and ideas come about through experience. These experiences occur through our senses or reflections in our mind from previous sensory experiences. Locke states that these are the only two sources of

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