John Locke's Philosophy Research Paper

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John Locke’s philosophy that says, “A child is a blank state that is formed only through experience” is believed to be shown throughout the novel of “Frankenstein.” This statement was published in the late 1600’s and it took twenty years of preparation. The term that goes with this philosophy would be known as empiricism, which is the theory that the origin of all knowledge is a sense of experience. Which means that the way someone has been raised and the things they have seen makes them who they are. Locke’s philosophy brought upon many examples of real life examples, novel examples, and nature vs nurture debates. During the year of 1965, a mother by the name of Janet Reimer gave birth to twins by the names of Bruce and Brian. There was an incident to where one of the boys would have to be raised as a girl because of difference in his anatomy from other boys. “Experiences leave their marks, and therefore denied that humans have innate ideas or that anything is knowable without reference to experience” (Mastin). “Brenda” was raised as a daughter of …show more content…

A creature that is created by Victor Frankenstein becomes an important character in the story. “One of the best of these I entered; but I had hardly placed my foot within the door, before the children shrieked, and one of the women fainted. The whole village was roused; some fled, some attacked me, until, grievously bruised by stones and many other kinds of missile weapons” (Shelley, 90). This quote from the novel shows an important example of Locke’s Philosophy. Since the creature was attacked and pelted with objects, he was all of a sudden realizing that humans were not going to accept him. These actions made him act out as he did because of his horrific experience with the villagers. Experiences and actions of other people towards the creature made him be the person he ended the book