John Lovett The Culture Of Shut Up Analysis

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The First Amendment states, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This Amendment gives people the right to be free in the areas of religion, speech, right to assemble , and to petition. In particular, the freedom of speech is a luxury and something we as citizens take for granted. According to John Lovett who wrote an article called The Culture of Shut Up and also worked alongside, then- Senator Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, one's voice is their power. In this article Lovett explains how our communication, provided by the first amendment, is being compromised and deteriorated as time goes on. Lovett starts the article off with a story. The story explained how a community …show more content…

He provides examples of how there are hate speeches being given on college campus and how this continues on social media. By simply reading and viewing these thing can be association in the culture of shut up. Lovett explains that telling people to shut up not only violate their First Amdenet Right, but aso limites people on the ability to think outside the box. Being afraid of what people thinks have caused people to hold back opinions or thought that one may have just because they think they might be judged or told to shut up just for simply thinking differently. He explains how this is crippling our culture as whole not knowing what someone could say and causing people not to speak their mind. He goes on to say telling us how we protect ourself. We have to learn that people disagree and it doesn't matter if you are a everyday, day-to-day citizen or an elected