John M Gandy Research Paper

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The legendary Virginia State University
Historically black colleges and universities are founded almost everywhere in the United States. During the time of the Civil War, in the South of the United States, there were no higher education systems for African American students. “Particularly, with the 13th amendment abolition of slavery and reconstruction in the South, things began to change.” (“The History of Historically”) “In 1862, Senator Justin Morrill spearheaded a movement to improve the state of higher education throughout the United States, putting emphasis on the need for institutions to train Americans in the applied sciences, agriculture and engineering”. (“The History of Historically”) The Morrill Land – Grant Act gave insight on …show more content…

Dr. John M. Gandy (1870-1947) was born on October 31, 1870 in Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. Gandy started his education in a one room school system in Mississippi. Gandy education consisted only of a seventh grade education By the age of fifteen Gandy already began teaching at a school in Stone Mountain, Mississippi after receiving a third grade teaching certificate. While studying at Columbia University in New York, he took nonresident graduate courses and earned a Ph.D. at Illinois Wesleyan University. (Jones, “Gandy”) Receiving degrees of Doctor of Philosophy from Morgan State University in 1920 soon after appointed professor of Greek and Latin at Virginia Normal and College Institute. (Jones, “Gandy”) While conducting at Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute on the morning of August 29 he opened a session. Followed by a talk on “The Present Status and Prospect in Vocational education of the state board of education”.(“Agricultural Experts”) In contrast, while being appointed to professor, the university name soon changed to Virginia State College for Negros in 1930 and established a graduate school in 1937. (Jones, “Gandy”). Gandy served president for twenty eight years until he retired in 1943 furthermore to the end of his life on October 5, 1947 at the age of 76 years old. Gandy hall, on Virginia State University campus, is named in his