
John Smith's Major Accomplishments

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Even though John Smith, Pocahontas, and Anne Hutchinson all died before turning 54 years old, they made many accomplishments. John Smith was a young warrior, a original Jamestown settler, and made a map of Virginia (Kelly, Melissa "Biography of John Smith"). Pocahontas was a Native American princess who saved John Smith's life and brought peace between Native Americans and colonists in Virginia (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). Anne Hutchison hosted meetings for women, criticized a church in Massachusetts, and got her and herself kicked out of Massachusetts (Kelly Martin). John Smith, Pocahontas, and Anne Hutchinson are key people of colonial time, because of their important contributions to their community. Two important achievements …show more content…

Pocahontas was born in 1595 in present day Virginia region to Powhatan and Nonoma Winanuske Matatiske (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). She save John Smith in 1608, when she was only 13 years old (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). Her tribe was upset with John Smith so they decided to execute them (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). Sadly enough, from the facts that are known, John Smith and her didn't fall in love (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). In 1614 she married John Rolfe who was an English colonist from Jamestown, she was 19 years old (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). A major accomplishment of her was the she brought peace between the English colonist and the Native Americans in the Virginia area (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). She attained this by saving John Smith and marrying John Rolfe (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). Pocahontas was a Christian who was converted by the English settlers (Kelly Melissa "Biography of Pocahontas). She died in Gravesend, United Kingdom on March 21, 1617 when she was 22 years old (Kelly Melissa "Biography of

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