Join Kristine's Essay: English Language Literacy Skills

429 Words2 Pages

Learning Area Outcomes / Achievement Grade Effort
English Language Literacy Literacy D E E E Sometimes
Kristine has limited English ability in regards to the achievement standards for Year 4. She is on an I.E.P to strengthen her reading and writing abilities. Kristine can recognise most letter, sounds, and blends, but struggles with high frequency words that she is not exposed to everyday. She reads in a disjointed manner, without certainty and fluency. Kristine writes short, incoherent sentences with a lack of grammar and punctuation. She is able to copy writing from a primary source such as a whiteboard. She needs constant reminders to remain focused and support for most literacy tasks, as she rarely follows instructions initially.
She works best independently so she does not distract others, allowing her to properly engage and complete activities. When called upon, Kristine can provide verbal response in class discussions with little reasoning or clarification.
Mathematics Number & Algebra Measurement & geometry Statistics & Probability E E D E Sometimes …show more content…

She can add and subtract up to the thousands and multiply numbers using concrete materials or visual aids. Krisitne does not comprehend the concept of decimals, fractions or percentages. She can create a labeled map with accurate directions to landmarks based on a compass. Karlee can work with peers to collect data, record it in a tally table and produce a bar graph to represent the data. She works best in small groups with assistance from a teacher to ensure she is following instructions, motivated and focused. Kristine should strive to attempt each numeracy tasks even those that seem

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