How Does Hajia Demonstrate Personal Development

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Literacy: Hajia is currently working on sounding out her words and writing down beginning, middle and end sounds she hears. For example, when trying to spell the word happiness she wrote “hpnes”. Hajia is in a group for literacy that focuses on letter recognition and sounds; this will help support her growth in reading and writing. She has shown growth in her writing as she is now able to copy sentence starters with promoting such as I feel____ or A good friend_____. With support Hajia is able to record her ideas and focus on the learning task. She is sometimes unable to communicate what she wrote and is encouraged to reread her writing by using her finger to follow along. Hajia has demonstrated personal development in her learning by setting and working towards learning goals in writing. She has identified her writing goal to use finger spaces, which will help organize her work making it easier to read. Hajia uses pictures as a clue to help her when …show more content…

She is encouraged to solve small problems independently like loosing her pencil before asking for assistance. Hajia requires some support to create and translate simple patterns. She is also able to describe, extend and compare patterns like AB with support. Hajia has demonstrated growth in representing numbers through a variety of ways. An example of this is when asked to represent the number 9 she was able to represent her understanding through dice, number line, a ten frame and a word. She is encouraged to work on writing her numbers correctly as some are backwards. Hajia is able to identify 2D and 3D shapes in our environment. With support she is able to create and answer riddles involving 3D shapes. Hajia is encouraged to work on skip counting by 2’s and 5’s. She is supported in this goal by having visuals around the classroom that help aid her