Jonas's Decisions In 'The Giver'

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(AGG) People can reject society in many different ways, but the protagonist of the book The Giver, which is Jonas, only realizes this once he gains the memories from the Giver.(BS-1) In the beginning of the book Jonas respected the rules of the community and he always listened to them, but when he got his job as the receiver of memory he received some rules that he is skeptical about.(BS-2) Throughout the middle of the book Jonas has received more memories and they are changing him in different ways and it is causing him to be more isolated.(BS-3) Jonas and the Giver are the only ones in their community that can choose and really make their own decisions, but Jonas is upset that no one else can do that, so he ends up making some bad decisions. …show more content…

There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please!”(Lowry 127)Jonas wants to know if his father loves him, but no one in the community knows what love means and the word is meaningless. He is the only one capable of truly knowing love. (STEWE-2)Jonas wants to keep the feeling of love so for the first time in his life he didn't take the pill.“There could be love, Jonas whispered. The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away.”(Lowry 129). I think that the pills made them have no feelings.(SIP-B) By the end of the book Jonas watches a video of what release is and watching it pushes him over the edge and causes him to question the whole society and get mad. So he, and the Giver create a plan for Jonas to escape.(STEWE-1)Jonas had just watched the video of what release really is and he is stunned at what he just watched.“He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing.”(Lowry 150). He had just watched his father kill an infant without any care or he didn't feel anything. This is the major point that pushes Jonas over the edge and he starts to make a plan of escape with the Giver.(STEWE-2)Jonas’s father