Jonathan Edwards: Contagious Passion For The Gospel Of Jesus

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Wherever, you are in your journey with Christ (or even if you are not in one at all), the writings of Jonathan Edwards will help you. He was a man of tremendous and contagious passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you, are a Christian, it will be difficult for you to read the three sermons contained in this volume without being deeply affected by Edwards’ heart. Over two and a half centuries after his death, he continues to hold audiences captive with his intense focus on the glory and grace of God.
This is one of the reasons I was mootivated to update his original writings into a form of English that is more readable for people living today. His works are amazing, but they can be incredibly difficult for many to understand. From our perspective, his sermons are filled with lengthy, difficult-to-untangle sentences that many readers will not abide. …show more content…

We need his knowledgable zeal for Christ, the gospel, and the glory of God. Reading Edwards has a way of reviving the soul, pointing people back to the Word, and causing nominal Christians to get serious. My updates are nothing more than a meager attempt to bring Edwards’ voice to the current generation.
As in my previous updates, let me offer this important disclaimer. I am not an Edward’s scholar. In fact, I am not a professional scholar at all. I am a pastor, and these updates are presented from a pastor’s heart. In other words, I want to connect Jonathan Edwards to average Christians in our day, believing that the benefits of such a connection would be tremendous for individuals and churches