Jose Antonio Vargas's Spring Awakening

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Jose Antonio Vargas wrote a review called “Spring Awakening” of “Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People is Greater than People in Power: Memoir by Wael Ghonim.” Vargas review tells how one image on a social media site can encourage a man to stand up against the wrong doing in his country. Wael Ghonim, age 29, saw a horrible picture on FaceBook of a young man, Khaled Said, who was beaten to death by Egyptian police. Angered by the picture, Ghonim started a page called “We Are All Khaled Said.” The page grew 250,000 followers in three months. Soon after the FaceBook page, people started a rally called “The Silent Stands” against the president and the National Democratic Party. During the rally, Ghonim got arrested. He was