Joseph Smith Founded The Church Of Latter-Day Saints

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So many questions and so few answers! Let us review what we have learned from this effort of inquiry.
First, Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. He claimed to have received a vision of Jesus Christ. At no time was he hesitant to talk about Jesus Christ, nor were any of his associates. It seems clear that Jesus Christ is the most important individual we need to relate to while in this life. Joseph Smith taught that Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God and thus a very sacred and holy individual. Indeed Jesus Christ is our intercession with the Heavenly Father. He is indeed very sacred and holy.
Second, Joseph Smith established the idea of building temples. In these temples he established ordinances and ceremonies and claimed people had to follow these ordinances and ceremonies to get into the kingdom of God. Further, the current teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tells us these ordinances and ceremonies are so sacred and important that we cannot talk about them outside of the temples of the church. Doesn’t this seem strange that these ordinances and ceremonies are more important even …show more content…

While Joseph Smith lived he received revelations for virtually everything going on with the church. If any changes were made in the church you could trace the change to a particular revelation Joseph Smith claimed God gave him. If this was the way God wanted to deal with his prophet, why didn’t he continue in this manner after Joseph Smith was removed from the church? Why are we now to simply assume that whenever a change is made in the church beliefs, we must accept these changes because the current leader of the church seemed to give his approval? Why did Joseph Smith have to have a revelation about individual things but we no longer require that now Joseph Smith is