Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Stalin

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In the 1920’s and 1930’s of Europe there were rising dictatorships that adopted different styles of absolute control. Whether it was the rise of communism in the USSR under Joseph Stalin, Nazism in Germany under Adolf Hitler, or the creation of fascism in Italy under Benito Mussolini, each of these leaders wanted to accomplish many things for their respective nations. In many ways, these leaders had similar interests as well as opposing views on how governments should operate. This paper will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between these dictatorships and how each came to their rise of power. Beginning with Joseph Stalin of Russia. After the death of the previous ruler Lenin it came down between Stalin and another as to who would step into power. …show more content…

His plan involved full government control over all businesses and resources to make sure there would be fair and equal distribution. Anyone who had opposed the reformation in place was either exiled, imprisoned or executed. Forcing collectivization eventually caused a crisis of widespread famine that was responsible for the death of millions. Cities were renamed to show off his glory, history books were changed to incorporate false or exaggerated claims of Stalin’s rise to power and life to make him seem more masterful to the youth of the nation. He was the focal point of most artwork, as well as literature, music, eventually he was incorporated into the Soviet national anthem. Stalin had full control of the media, which he used to sway positive public opinion from his effective and massive propaganda skills. This is what gave him the ability to carry out his plans and execute anyone he wished without opposition. He saw himself as the all-powerful leader who could save his country. He would blame democracy, fascism, and Marxism for causing problems in other countries and that communism was the only way to go. His communist party