Josh White's Letter To The High Cost Of College

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Lots of people dream of college their whole lives. It is something that is expected from most people in today’s world. Josh White was one of those people in the world that dreamed of college since he was little. At a younger age, picking schools was much easier because he didn’t understand that along with a college degree and college sports comes a lot of money and debt. As he got older, his list of dream schools from his childhood dwindled down as the years passed by. Being older and more mature, Josh had a better understanding of what college would really cost and that you have to pay for everything. Josh took his time to write a letter to the dean concerning Tyler Junior College tuition and fees. In Josh’s letter to persuade the dean, he wrote the following: “Tyler Junior College tuition and fees should be cheaper because more people could have the job of their dreams, people could get a higher paying job with a degree, and it would help people attend TJC without graduating in so much debt. …show more content…

Another reason TJC should lower tuition and fees is so people can get a better paying job for their selves and their family. The rich are 8 times more likely to graduate college than the poor. In 2013, 77% of students from wealthy families earned a bachelor’s degree by age 23 versus students coming from poor households only 9% earn a bachelor’s degree. (
In the world today, without a college degree, majority of places will not hire someone. Therefore, people get stuck working at minimal paying jobs. If TJC tuition and fees were cheaper, more people would attend Tyler Junior College to get a degree for something that they would enjoy doing instead of settling for less due to the inability to pay for schooling. It would raise the percentage of students from poor families getting a bachelor’s degree by age