
Journal Assignment

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Lesson 1
Journal Assignment a. My belief about the history and foundation of the field of family of life education is based on the research of have gathered, starting from 4th century, when people started to see the importance of educating parents about raising children. Through time educating parents has been improving, in 1850’s support groups for parents started to grow in the society. In 1889 Jane Addams and her friend Ellen Gates Starr founded the Hull House, a house with the purpose of community service such as day care, library and classes, this house was an early family education program that eventually grew and by the 1900 they had 13 buildings. By 1917 the university of Chicago and university of Iowa started a program related …show more content…

My belief about the purpose of family life education starts with the preparation, and enrichment of the family’s welfare. To my understanding, the purpose of the family life educations is to share the knowledge, skills and information to help the family to fit and be part of the society. The transaction perspective suggests more connection between the educator and the family or individual, this will focus on developing cognitive skills, critical thinking abilities in order to use them in problem solving circumstances. Also the purpose of the family life education is preventive, intended to train the individual for their family roles rather than repair family dysfunction. Gaining insight into one’s self and other, gaining understanding about the human development, understanding marital and family patterns, interpersonal skills for family roles are some of the major objective of the family life …show more content…

My belief about the process of learning for families is that every individual has a unique way to learn. It’s important that the educator knows witch technique is more effective for each family and each member of the family including the whole family in the learning process. The process of learning involves questing, evaluating, accepting and rejecting ideas. Topics important in the process of leaning can be learning the right to wrong, leaning about the family responsibilities and leaning to make choices. It’s important that the educator take the time in developing a personal viewpoint of the family life education in order to have a firm understanding to help and prepare families to have productive

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