Jrotc Mission Statement

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The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps’ mission statement is to, “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” JROTC prepares young men to have leadership and to have benefits in their citizenship. JROTC prepares young men to be independent to be in charge of others that could benefit others to be better leaders. JROTC provides different activities such as service learning projects, which is a project which gives opportunities of knowledge, discipline, and a sense of responsibility to take for the future. There are certain goals that JROTC wants cadets to accomplish to be a better citizen. First is knowing and exercising the rights, taking responsibilities and good citizenship. Gaining leadership abilities to live and work cooperatively …show more content…

JROTC teaches cadets several lessons about how to be a better citizen and to be a useful person in society after you graduate college or high school. Our teachers teaches us the purpose of leadership and gives us direction of the right path of our lives, but the most important part is motivation. Cadets need motivation for them to work hard and finish their work as instructed. A real leader knows what he is doing for his cadets to be more better than the himself. JROTC teaches step by step to be a better person than you were yesterday. It gives you the right path of success and how to use the details in the lesson taught properly. I would think that responsibility and motivation is the most important parts to be a leader. The reason why is there are so many people who blame other people for their wrong choices. Having responsibility and integrity would change the way people see you. The reason why an individual do not take responsibility for his or her actions because if other people know what you did, the individual will think that people are saying bad stuff about them. Although, the reality is if you take responsibility for your actions, people will see that you have integrity and have more respect for you. Motivation is also an important part being a leader because you have to motivate your people for them to try harder and for them to know the purpose of their …show more content…

You can teach the person that just joined how to be a leader, which will turn out to be as more leaders than people that do not want to do anything with their lives. I would hope that JROTC gets bigger and bigger and would have this program in every school in the world so people can learn how to live with a right path and we will not have more problems with people who make wrong choices. In the future, JROTC will improve to make young men to be better people and to be more independent than we are