
Julian Treasure Speech Analysis

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The Power of Speech Communication is a compelling tool that allows the audience to experience what the speaker is connecting to while being intrigued to make a change. Therefore, public speakers use communication as a technique to engage the audience into focusing on the message itself. The author, Julian Treasure, utilizes the effectiveness of rhetorical devices while stating his position in his “How to speak so that people want to listen” speech. Julian Treasure effectively executed the usage of ethos in his speech, which was previously built from the foundation he created for himself. For instance, Julian Treasure is known to be the chairman of The Sound Agency; this agency provides audio branding to increase sales, brand equity, customer …show more content…

Ultimately, it is extremely imperative for a public speaker to be engaging for their audience to remain entertained. The emotion of your audience relies on the author’s delivery and use of tone while speaking. Julian does this while changing the fluctuation in his voice when necessary. In his speech, Julian says so himself that people who speak “in one note are really quite hard to listen to if they do not have any prosody”. He then goes on to explain how that tone is considered “monotonous”. Furthermore, Julian explains how researchers prefer “rich, smooth, warm, like hot chocolate” type of voices. Julian also discusses “register” and how it is within the human nature to “associate with depth, power and with authority”. There is an obvious pattern here that signifies how important the tone of the author is to the …show more content…

In this speech that Julian presents, he uses a specific acronym called “Hail”, which stands for honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love. The author breaks down each of these qualities and explains how they are important to the way people should start communicating to each other. Being honest and authentic to yourself is something the author stresses because he feels like people are not true to themselves anymore. Julian as well, uses a metaphor with a toolbox comparing it to the mind to discuss different techniques the audience can use with. He describes the toolbox as being an “incredible instrument” and how “very few people have opened it” and utilized it. He makes a light hearted joke about “rummaging” through the “toolbox” to pull out a few tools that will “increase the power of your

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