The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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"According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Less than half (3.5 million) of the 7.7 million Americans who currently qualify as severely mentally disordered, never receive treatment (Bell). Gun regulation is immoral as guns should not be regulated and taken away. .Guns are not what kill people. It is the people that use guns to kill people, that kill people. Many of these people that cause these mass shooting and killings have mental health issues. Mental Health is a bigger issue than guns, and mental health should be regulated and not guns. Taking away guns would not stop the killings occuring. People would find other ways to kill people as people if they want to kill, will kill. .Although some people say, “Guns take away people’s …show more content…

This is true, however what leads to the problem, or the establishment of the status quo, is what should be focused on. This may sound like taboo, but, guns are not what need to be regulated. What needs to be regulated is mental health and realize that guns will not stop people from killing . Regulating mental health must happen because many killings occur by mentally ill people, and if these people could be treated and cared for, they would not kill. It is also important to recognize that taking guns away will not stop people from killing because they will find new and more efficient ways to kill. It is obvious that guns are an issue. However, they should not be taken away. Instead, support the Mentally ill, by helping them recover and learn how to make correct decisions and not cause killings. Finally, If a child was drawing a picture on the desk with a pencil, and the teacher saw the kid drawing on the desk, the teacher might take away the pencil and tell them to stop. If the kid wanted to finish their picture, they might pull out another pencil or even better, a pen. A pen could leave a permanent mark and could cause more damage to the desk than a pencil. If people were having their guns taken away, they could use worse methods to kill like with a