Mass Shootings

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Are Guns the Real Issue In America? The United States is truly and exceptional nation. It isn’t because of our unique government system or economy. What makes America so special is that it has between 270-310 million guns, whereas the rest of the world combined has around 875 million guns. The most shocking part is the rate of gun murders as well as the shockingly high number of annual mass shootings. Within the past 1,004 days there have been over 994 mass shootings that have ended thousands of American lives. Over 80 years ago someone could walk into a store and buy a gun without a background check. However, there seemed to be far less rampant and violent behavior then than there is now. Nowadays states as well as the federal government …show more content…

Gun control and gun rights have become such a hot topic throughout the United States that people are beginning to question if the fault of such violence actually lies with guns. This isn’t the issue, the problem is that the US government is incapable of passing gun legislation, social media blames mental illness for mass shootings, and gun policies aren’t strict enough on selling guns. The only danger in having a gun is when it is put in the hands of the wrong person. Due to strong opposing ideals between both the Republican and Democratic Party within the house and senate, the American government has been incapable of passing adequate gun legislation. Most Americans will often say they support specific gun control laws such as bans on assault-style weapons, online ammunition sales, and high capacity ammunition clips. If this is the case, then why don’t these ideas get turned to law? The answer is because Americans tend to support the right to own guns. One …show more content…

Just as it has always been, buying a firearm isn’t difficult. In fact, the process to get your drivers license is far more difficult and time consuming than than buying a gun is. The steps taken to get a drivers license essentially start at the age of fifteen. If a fifteen year old wanted to start driving to get their license early, they would have to take a drug and alcohol course as well as a permit test so as to make sure that they understand the rules of the rode and driver safety. After a year, they take a driving test where their instructors test their driving capabilities and knowledge of the rode. Once they pass then presto, they’ve achieved their license. It would make sense if laws were passed to make owning a firearm a process like getting a drivers license. If all youth who wanted to have a gun went through a few hours of gun safety and handling courses, as well as gun safety exams, they would be better prepared to handle a gun in the future. Then once they reached the proper age to purchase a firearm, they would undergo a series of background tests such as criminal or mental health. Then if they passed the background test, they could proceed to take a gun safety exam and firing exam and once finished, if they passed then they would be elidgeble to purchase a gun. Of course that is only theoretical. However, if the government were to enforce stricter