Julius Caesar Friendship Essay

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Friendships can be some of the greatest things we have in life. However, some will last forever while others seem to fade with time. Some can be deceiving, manipulating relationships that end with a person being used. In the play “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare, friendship is displayed as being both manipulative and trustworthy. Friendship is ultimately what the conspirators use to get rid of Caesar. Sometimes, friendships are created in a way to use as a cover up to be your friend, all to get something that is desired. The conspirators manipulated Caesar and became his friends only after he became king. Like any other human being, Caesar was vulnerable to the power of these friendships. Decius, one of the conspirators, played the game of the manipulative friend very well. He comes to Caesar saying, “Caesar, all hail! Good morrow, worthy Caesar.”(2.2.58-59). Decius was also the one conspirator who had to make …show more content…

Brutus was a good friend to Caesar in the beginning, but ended up being neither dependable nor honest. Brutus never said he had anything to hold against Caesar. His intentions for killing Caesar seemed good to himself and the conspirators at the time. Even though Brutus was Caesar’s friend, he only agreed to kill him for the good of Rome. As he says so in the play, “It must be by his death, and for my part I know no personal cause to spurn at him but for the general.” (2.1.10-11).
Antony and Caesar’s relationship had to be the strongest friendship in the play through Caesar’s time of ruling. This relationship consisted of Caesar having the power of Rome, and Antony basically being his side kick to help him manage it. Antony respected Caesar enough that he would do anything for him. His own lines in the play, “I shall remember. When Caesar says, “do this,” it is performed.”(1.2.12-13). Antony’s feelings after his beloved friend Caesar’s murder left him feeling the need to get