Manipulation In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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The Art of Manipulation Manipulation is an interesting insight to human behavior and with most human behavior there are patterns. Manipulation plays a big role in human history so it is no surprise that, in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar the author, William Shakespeare, makes manipulation a big part of the play. In this play manipulation is portrayed as a skilful art of controlling someone, an art that has been perfected by humans. These patterns that occur with manipulation are made clear in several events throughout the play. In order to be a successful manipulator one can use similar techniques that work in different situations and with different people. One of the most important manipulators in the play is Cassius; who shows his skills as an excellent manipulator by convincing Brutus to join the conspiracy. During the first conversation between Brutus and Cassius, Cassius remarks about how Brutus could be a powerful as Caesar, “Brutus and Caesar- what should be in that “Caesar”? / Why should that name be sounded more than yours? / [...] / yours is as fair a name / [...] Weigh them, it is as heavy” (I.ii.143-147). Boosting one’s confidence and inflating their ego is one of the first things a good manipulator does in order to manipulate a person. While Cassius is …show more content…

Decius knows Caesar's weakness and uses it to its fullest, “ But when i tell him he hates flatterers, / He says he does, being the most flattered, / Let me work” (II.i.210-212). Boosting Caesar's confidence and using his emotions against him go hand in hand. Many people in positions of power become arrogant, Caesar is no different; which will play right into the conspirators hands. Not only does Decius begin almost every sentence with worthy or mighty Caesar, Decius worries Caesar by suggesting: Their minds may change. Besides it were a mock Apt to be rendered for someone to