Why Is Julius Caesar So Powerful

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Stronger Than the Sword Survival of the fittest has always been seen as the law of nature. Only the strong will survive. That is, until mankind came along. As Homo Sapiens rose to power, so fell the age old rule. For now it was no longer the biggest, fastest, or strongest that survives, but the cunning and the eloquent. The greatest leaders in history were not those who fought with armies, although they may have started out there; it has been the ones who had enough charisma to control the armies, to keep them loyal and fighting for their cause. Three of the greatest rulers in history won their power not with the sword, but with the quill; Napoleon, Julius Caesar, and Hitler. One of the most evil men in all of history, Adolf Hitler was, in all honesty, not very intimidating. “...often dressed like a young gentleman of leisure and even carried a fancy little ivory cane.” ("The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Hitler Fails Art Exam." The History Place - …show more content…

This image is one grandiose in size. However, he is not the great man he is thought to be by many. “‘Come over to my other side, for I am deaf in this ear.’” (Julius Caesar, Act I, Shakespeare). That’s right; the great emperor was half deaf. Furthermore, he never was able to conceive an heir. Many historians agree that he was most likely infertile. He also was known to have the ‘falling sickness’; epilepsy. Yet despite these shortcomings, Caesar rose to power in Rome, the most powerful place on Earth at the time. Even more impressive was that he was able to do so when the political system did not have one specific ruler. His way with words and with the people was so evolved that he was almost able to completely change the government of Rome, and with the people’s support, no less. If the events that transpired on the Ides of March had never come to pass, well, who knows what other great deeds he would have