Julius Caesar Persuasive Essay

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Persuasion is a rule of law, you're always tricked into it. The power of speech is used to influence people's actions. Persuasive arguments can be just as or more effective than legal arguments. Sway opinions, changing minds, and inspire new actions are used in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. To prove this Mark Antony manages to turn the pride of the conspirators who had murdered Caesar, against them. At the same time Antony noticed the Romans emotions and values. Brutus is seen as a leader to all the conspirators, and he is respected by all of them. He tried to keep it together but instead he explains his motivations on why Caesar was killed. Antony's speech persuades the Romans to rise against the conspirators by having the plebeians’ express feelings of …show more content…

Antony creates distrust in the conspirators by expressing pity for Caesar to show he only had good intentions through the use of antithesis, humility, and evidence. For instance, Antony uses antithesis to allure to the people's pathos when he states, “But yesterday the word of Caesar might / Have stood against the world; now lies he there” (3.2.110-111). Antithesis contrasts how Caesar was big and powerful but now he is dead on the floor where he thought he was safe. The audience feels the emotion of how Caesar is helpless, and he is vulnerable on the ground. The ground where he thought he couldn't be harmed is where he lays weak. Caesar's vulnerability is being taken advantage of but there is no stop to it now. In addition, Antony uses humility to ensure to the people's ethos when he states, “I will not do them wrong: I rather choose / To wrong the dead, to wrong such honorable men” (3.2.117-119). Humility is used to show the immeasurable power. The audience believes the trust of the conspirators is being broke. Not only that but, the plebeians think that Antony is a credible person because he states he won't do wrong. On the other hand, Antony is taking the