Julius Caesar Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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I do agree with Caesar because In Act 1 Scene 2 Caesar says “He reads much, he is a great Observer, and he looks quite through the deeds of men. He loves no plays As thou dost, Antony; He hears no music.” Which shows that Cassius feelings aren’t ever at rest also the fact that he doesn’t know how to live for fun, which proves to me that men that always think can be harmful (Act1Scene2Line195). Brutus doesn’t want the conspirators to swear their allegiance because he believes when you swear on an oath it’s more of a legal contract, and that shows it isn’t trust. Brutus says “Not an oath. If not the face of men, the sufferance of our souls, the times abuse- if these motives weak, break off bed times, and every man hence to his idle bed.” Which shows that swearing by word shows …show more content…

The heart of Brutus yearns to think upon.” In these words Brutus spoke, the tone changed to I guess you can say they felt more threatened after visiting Caesar. . (Act2Lines2Line124) The significance of Caesars “north star” speech at the Capitol is that it demonstrates how Caesar always enforcing and order or how he is always there consistently. I believe that Caesar’s speech shifted my opinion to become more positive and the better person in a way, because also had me take into consideration of how the conspirators never took things into account, even though what Caesar speech says, they contuse with the plan and still murder him. (Act3Scene1Line58) . What’s ironic about the third citizens cry is that the conspirators murdered Caesar for the way they thought he was going to rule and now all thus sudden they want Brutus to rule. “With this I depart, that, as, I dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.” (3.2) the conspirators believed the people would cry and mourn for him and his death when killing Caesar.