Socialism In Tanzania Analysis

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During the years of 1950s towards the 1980s leaders from different African countries like Tanzania we faced with challenges economically, politically and socialism, they believed that Socialism offered the best chance to overcome the many challenges they were faced with. Tanzanian leader, Julius Nyerere believed that introducing the policy of Socialism where wealth will be shared equally between the people and everything else is controlled by the state could bring a positive turn around in Tanzania. Nyerere followed the path Socialism and although it gave in political stability, it did not totally resolve the problem of Africa’s economic dependence on world markets. Therefore I am going explain and discuss how this African Socialism was implemented …show more content…

His ideas were under the influence of African socialism that production, distribution and bartering should be owned by the citizens of Tanzania on its own. He had no interest in adopting and maintaining the foreign political and cultural way of life/ideologies in Tanzania instead he aimed at promoting African socialism and political ideologies, he wrote: “Socialism…is an attitude of mind…which is needed to ensure that the people care for each other’s welfare.” He abandoned the previous governmental democratic routes after dependence and became a One Party State.
In his article called ‘Economic socialism’, Nyerere shows his commitment to helping his fellow human beings. He believes socialist policies will do this. From Freedom and Socialism, published in 1968. “We are committed to the creation of a classless society in which every able-bodied citizen is contributing to the economy through work, and we believe that this can be obtained when the major means of production are publicly owned and controlled. But the fact remains …show more content…

He named this policy UJAAMA which means Brotherhood, a socialist system of village cooperatives based on equality of opportunity and self-help. Nyerere’s vision of Ujaama was to promote social activism because he had a strong belief that if the people of Tanzania work together as one, this would benefit the rural population more than the settlement schemes that were used during colonization. This concept of Ujaama was based on self-reliance instead of depending on investments and working together as one collectvely reaps the benefits of production. He also believed that development could only occur if the people of Tanzania could strive to further develop